
Nestlé Fitness: your breakfast with cereals, reinterpreted!

We have the pleasure to invite you to a new product experience. The fun idea? Revisiting a recipe with breakfast cereals using Nestlé Fitness, giving it your own touch – taste and look – take a photo of your creation and post it online with #nestlefitnessch!

To do this, you can simply order your free « Nestlé Fitness Breakfast Kit » here, then receive all you need at your doorstep, ready for you to create your recipe and share your breakfast experience with your family and friends. For those who like to improvise, this is the perfect opportunity to show off your talents à la Masterchef. For those of you who like some inspiration, we have elaborated some recipe ideas for you!

There is nothing better than starting the day surrounded by family and friends with a healthy, balanced breakfast! Register and participate! You can win Nestlé Fitness cereals for a whole year!
