
Sisters A. Chocolate Venezuela 81%


Sisters A. Chocolate Venezuela 81%

produced in Ukraine from cacao Sur Del Lago Merida Superior

Ingredients: Cocoa beans, coconut sugar, cocoa butter
Taste profile: cream, nut, rum notes
Weight: 50 g
Expiry date: 6 monthsCioccolato fondente 81% Sur del Lago Venezuela Cioccolato fondente 81% 50 g
Valutazione 5.00 su 5 basata sul sondaggio 1 acquirente

Ingredienti: Fave di cacao, zucchero di cocco, burro di cacao.

Peso: 50 grammi. Data di scadenza: 6 mesi.

Il cioccolato Venezuela Sur Del Lago ha un gusto cremoso molto delicato, rivela note di nocciola e rum. Morbidezza e minima amarezza, anche nel cioccolato ad alta percentuale, sono i tratti distintivi di questo cacao.

Sur Del Lago (Merida Superior) è un cacao proveniente da piccoli coltivatori locali della speciale regione di Sur del Lago in Venezuela, situata sulle rive del Lago Maracaibo. Tradotto letteralmente come “a sud del lago”. Il clima caldo e umido estremamente stabile è l’ideale per la coltivazione di varietà di cacao aromatiche d’élite esigenti. È considerata la culla del cacao criollo.

PROFILO DEL GUSTO: crema, noce, note di rum.

Peso piastrella: 50 grammi.

COD: SAC-VSDL-01 Categoria:


Bean-to-bar chocolate production is a philosophy of respect for nature, farmers and craft. It is about assuring control of the entire process: from choosing providers of the cocoa beans, via roasting and grinding, to producing chocolates by hand. This Sisters A. Chocolate Venezuela 81% has been produced with love and care in Ukraine.

Sisters A. Chocolate Venezuela 81% produced in Ukraine from cacao Sur Del Lago Merida Superior.

Ingredients: Cocoa beans, coconut sugar, cocoa butter
Taste profile: cream, nut, rum notes
Weight: 50 g
Expiry date: 6 months

Sisters A. Chocolate Venezuela 81%

Venezuela Sur Del Lago chocolate has a very delicate creamy taste. It features aromas of nuts and rum. Softness and minimal bitterness, even in high-percentage chocolate, are the hallmarks of this cocoa. Sur Del Lago (Merida Superior) is a cocoa from small local farmers from the specific region of Sur del Lago in Venezuela, located on the shores of Lake Maracaibo. Literally translated as “south of the lake.” Extremely stable warm and humid climate is ideal for growing demanding elite aromatic cocoa varieties. It is considered the birthplace of cocoa criollo.

About Sisters A. Chocolate

Sisters A. Chocolate is the name the sister duo Olena and Oleksandra from Lutsk in the west of Ukraine have given their little enterprise: a craft bean-to-bar chocolate manufacture. The family business was launched in 2021 and produces quality bean-to-bar chocolate. Olena and Oleksandra have  chosen to work with fine flavour cocoa because it produces the best chocolate. They roast the cocoa beans themselves, process and grind them in a blender to a delicate consistency. The actual roasting makes it possible to control the taste profile of chocolate, because cocoa, like wine and coffee, is a terroir product. Due to the high content of cocoa beans, chocolate retains the maximum taste and aroma inherent in nature.

Discover more about Sisters. A. Chocolate here >>> and follow them on Instagram for some behind the back sneak peeks of their production.