
Rekorderlig: The Swedish Cider Stealing the Spotlight!

If there is a drink that merits our attention right now, it’s cider. Small wonder: There’s so much to love! Halfway between the freshness and vivacity of fruit and the delicacy and complexity of craft beer or wine, cider is a real treat!

Rekorderlig, the Swedish word for reliable, (trustworthy or down to earth in English), differs greatly from traditional apple cider. Open a can – and find yourself on a rooftop for a makeshift BBQ!


Rekorderlig Cider at the beach



How Rekorderlig was born:


Since 1999, Lucy and James Nash Vincini offer their playful versions of cider for lively festivities. Their pear cider has quickly spread throughout the world. A can of 500 ml, containing 7% alcohol, hides hints of very diverse – and irresistible – flavours.

This fall’s cider, made from 100 % European pears, combines exquisite Swedish flavours with forest fruit – sweet and fruity, with a lively pale pink; or combined with elderflower and their natural touch of eau-de-vie. With no added syrup or concentrate, Rekorderlig presents a soft palate, lively and full of freshness.


Swedish cider: fabulous fruity flavours


Scandinavians take their cider very seriously: Swedish cider par excellence is fruit flavoured and comes with pear, lemon, strawberry and wild fruits. Passion fruit, orange-ginger, watermelon, raspberry and elderflower have also been commercialised.

Two years ago, this fermented innovation took London by storm – the marketing campaign was ingenious and succulent: A van distributed meals for three hours, and the first 50 people were automatically entitled to a free bottle of cider! Imagine the madness … Since, Australia has cracked – and the United States simply love it.


Rekorderlin in Switzerland


Delicious and seductive, Rekorderlig is now available in Switzerland, too. Sweet and fresh on the palate, it brought joy to those who already had the chance of tasting it. Serve it neat or use the cider in the preparation of cocktails! See? I knew this would get your attention!

But by all means, bring Rekorderling to the table, too: Cider and food go extremely well together, offering a vast range of possibilities. With its natural sweetness, the versatile Rekorderlig can add lustre to spicy dishes, e.g. Thai or Indian.


Food Pairings with Rekorderlig


Put together an improvised couscous with leeks, tomatoes and chickpeas, invent a banquet of contrasts and crown it with the refreshing taste of cider. Allow it to show off pork: Roasts, ribs, bacon, ham and sausages like its company. And, as food lovers know, cider and desserts form an excellent allegiance: The classic apple pie will never go out of fashion!

Make Rekorderling part of your autumn rituals – set free an array of tastes. Get a glass – you must be parched by now!