Influencer Campaign: Ascona Locarno Tourism

Influencer Campaign: Ascona Locarno Tourism

With Coolbrandz, we are often invited ourselves for Press Trips, Live PR, or content production. Sometimes, we even get to take some of our Influencer friends with us. One example is this Influencer Trip to Ticino for which we were mandated by Ascona Locarno Tourism in 2016.       Influencer Trip...

Exploring Alabama: Cool Things to Do in the Heart of Dixie

Exploring Alabama: Cool Things to Do in the Heart of Dixie

Nestled in the southeastern United States, Alabama boasts a rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty. From vibrant cities to serene countryside, there's something for everyone in the Heart of Dixie. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or foodie, Alabama offers a plethora of cool things to...

10 Thai restaurants in Switzerland

10 Thai restaurants in Switzerland

Thanks to our partners, we get to experience fantastic things in all domains. From food via gadgets to travel, we never say No to trying out something new! When we were getting Paido Soda to try as part of the launch campaign, we thought - hum, which type of food does this pair well with and in which sort of...

Ibiza Travel Guide: finding happiness Island Retreat

Ibiza Travel Guide: finding happiness Island Retreat

For years, Ibiza was my N° 1 summer holiday destination, hence the idea to share my personal Ibiza Travel Guide here with you. Ibiza is many different things to many different people: some go for the parties, others for weddings, and others for all kinds of retreats. To me, it is all of these things and definitely a...

Royal Savoy Lausanne: luxury in every detail

Royal Savoy Lausanne: luxury in every detail

I have had the pleasure to stay in the luxurious 5 star Hotel Royal Savoy in Lausanne several times already. Sometimes after an event, sometimes as part of a press trip... and I always found it very special. From the elegant reception, via the culinary offer, to the furnishing of the rooms... everything is top notch...

Ebikon in Switzerland: Cool things to see and do

Ebikon in Switzerland: Cool things to see and do

Right in the heart of Switzerland, Ebikon is waiting to be discovered by travellers seeking a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and modern amenities. This picturesque town, not far from Lucerne, offers a unique experience! It combines historical charm with contemporary comforts. Cozy cafes,...

What’s Cool in Lausanne: The Week Ahead

What’s Cool in Lausanne: The Week Ahead

Summer has officially arrived in Lausanne, the charming Swiss city on the shores of Lake Geneva. The city is buzzing with excitement this week! It's the perfect time to dive into nature, whether you're hiking through stunning landscapes or chilling by the lakeside with friends, whether you are dining out or dancing...

What’s on in Zurich This Weekend? Festivals, Food, Art…

What’s on in Zurich This Weekend? Festivals, Food, Art…

Zurich, known for its vibrant cultural scene and picturesque setting, is offering an array of exciting events this weekend. From food and wine festivals to art exhibitions and cultural festivities, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Here's a Cool Guide to the must-attend events in Zurich this weekend.  ...

Swiss wine regions and producers you should know

Swiss wine regions and producers you should know

Switzerland, a land renowned for its stunning landscapes, impeccable watches, and delectable chocolates, also boasts a vibrant wine culture deeply rooted in its history and geography. Nestled amidst the majestic Alps, Switzerland's diverse terroir has nurtured vineyards for centuries, yielding a spectrum of wines...

Cool Guide to North Kessock, Inverness

Cool Guide to North Kessock, Inverness

North Kessock, a charming village just across the Beauly Firth from Inverness, offers a delightful blend of natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant local culture. Whether you're exploring its scenic landscapes, indulging in local cuisine, or discovering unique craft businesses, North Kessock is a hidden gem in the...

10 Cool Content Ideas for June

10 Cool Content Ideas for June

June marks the beginning of summer, a season brimming with vibrant energy, outdoor activities, and plenty of opportunities for fresh content. Whether you’re a blogger, a social media influencer, or a content creator, this month offers a myriad of themes to explore. Here are 10 cool content ideas for June to engage...

Rekorderlig: The Swedish Cider Stealing the Spotlight!

Rekorderlig: The Swedish Cider Stealing the Spotlight!

If there is a drink that merits our attention right now, it's cider. Small wonder: There’s so much to love! Halfway between the freshness and vivacity of fruit and the delicacy and complexity of craft beer or wine, cider is a real treat! Rekorderlig, the Swedish word for reliable, (trustworthy or down to earth in...